Monday, March 5, 2007

March 5 Issues

Business. Moeder. Systeem. (81)

Business. Mother. System. (81)

Is het: the devil is a busy man,
of is het: The man is a busy devil?
In ieder geval is Satan degene die mij aanklaagt. (90)

Is it: the devil is a busy man,
or is it: The man is a busy devil?
Anyway, it is Satan who sues me. (90)

Found Target. Stop. Thanks. Over and out. (81)

Found Target. Stop. Thanks. Over and out. (81)

Het familie-embargo is een frustratiepreventie. De globale impotentie heeft aldus veel te maken met uw persoonlijke crisissen. (82)

The family-embargo is a frustration prevention. The global impotence has thus got a lot to do with your personal crisisses. (82)

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